The inclusion of Uniting Doctors into The Mark Egly Foundation is to regularly bring new information that will dramatically expand the standard of care for the medical community.
In this "Changing Standards of Practice" arena, we will regularly post items for researchers and confirmation of validity for the medical community as we write more about our new medical discoveries.
With Mark Egly's discoveries that many more conditions and potential diseases potentially exist, the medical community is met with many significant changes in the way we look at patient management moving forward!
Our patent reflects that the brain is under attack from within the body, and the brain is not just destroying itself as previously believed! Our desire with Alzheimer's and Dementia is to change the "Standard of Care" within the medical community while also changing the classification of these diseases of demyelination of brain cells to an autoimmune disease! By doing so, physicians now have another path to preventing and treating these conditions and diseases, as we have described in Mark Egly's 2020 patent filing.
The premises of Mark Egly's patent include disease prevention versus the thinking that cures are more valuable, when in reality, why not make every attempt at prevention for what cannot currently be cured!
On our site, we have included the hippocratic oath, including the modern-era hippocratic oath. It is highlighted on the site, and the words clearing state our mission and desire
"I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure." - hippocratic oath